A few years ago Aaron and I will never forget meeting Rachel for the first time. We were at a family gathering at our house and even at the first introduction, it was like Rachel was just meant to be a part of us. She fit in so well and was the first girl we had met that Tim was head over heals for. The smile never left his face and we could tell from the start that Rachel was very special.
Rachel was introduced to Tim by Tim’s mom Renee at a Camo Cares event. I think she knew that he needed a sweet, kind and compassionate girl in his life and that is Rachel. After their first introduction they started to text and meet up for dinner dates. And then they started dating and before we knew it, Tim was asking Rachel to be his wife!
Tim and Rachel’s wedding day was so sweet and simple. As I was thinking about this blog post, I was having a hard time wrapping my mind around how I could possibly put my feelings into words. I just can’t find a way to do this day justice in a few paragraphs. However, there were some special moments of the day that I NEVER want to forget, and I want to share them with you!
We wanted to find a place that was very private and intimate for the first look. I knew of a local waterfall and thought it would the perfect spot. As soon as Tim turned around and saw Rachel in her dress, he welled up with tears and told her how beautiful she looked. He was visibly overcome with joy!
Tim and Rachel wrote each other vows which they shared before the ceremony. They were so heartfelt and sincere…we couldn’t help but to tear up ourselves.
Michael, the videographer had an idea to interview each of them prior to the first look for voice overlay for the video. None of us knew exactly what to expect….and I’ve found that often these unplanned moments can be some of the most cherished. Claire and I sat and listened to each of them share stories of meeting, dating and the moment they “just knew” they were meant to be together. I remember looking over at Michael and even he was crying….the moment was so emotional and really made us all realize what a very special relationship that Tim and Rachel share.
Their wedding day was a dream. From the simple details, to the emotion, to the setting, and the joy that was felt by all, it couldn’t have been more amazing. Beth and Kevin, thank you for raising the sweetest woman who is perfect for our son. We have been praying for Tim’s future spouse for so long, and it was Rachel all along. What a blessing she is to our family!!! We are so proud of Tim! He is kind, smart, dedicated, faithful and cares for other people so well. Now he’s married to the sweetest girl and is going to love her deeply the rest of her life. Rachel is so lucky!!
Tim and Rachel, we love you so much. Your wedding day was more amazing than I could have imagined, and it was an HONOR to be your photographer! Your Dad and I love you both and we have such an amazing lifetime of memories ahead of us!!!!!
Before you scroll through their beautiful day, I just have to thank Claire for helping me with the Photography. Thank you to Michel Kibler for doing WAY more than what’s expected from videographers! Enjoy a peek into Rachel and Tim’s wedding day!
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