Pregnancy has always been a roller coaster of emotions for Amy and Frank, but also much anxiety. They’ve been on this journey for 6 years and unfortunately they’ve experienced 5 losses. They decided to try IVF this time and worked with a team of doctors at the fertility clinic. Amy & Frank have enjoyed every single special moment so far like hearing their baby’s heartbeat for the first time ever. They never made it through the first trimester with any of their other pregnancies so it was a very special day for them.
During the maternity session, Amy shared that she has never felt the presence of God more than she has this year. She said “I know He guided me to this clinic and guided me on this journey. I considered IVF for 3 years before actually doing it. It never felt right and I was terrified. I wasn’t fearful this year because I could feel the power of God telling me this is my time and everything will be ok. It has been an amazing journey and it made me look back and wonder what I was so afraid of before… must be because it wasn’t my time yet.”
I teared up as Amy told me that she often whispers to herself before heading into any appointments the line from The Shack when Jesus says to the Dad “It’s better if we do it together” and that has been a major comfort to her. She always carries a wooden comfort cross with her to all the ultrasounds and she wraps her hands around it in the pocket of her hoodie. Just another reminder that everything will be ok.
Amy and Frank, you are going to be the most amazing parents and your testimony of unwavering faith and patience is going to help so many others. Aaron and I were so honored to spend time getting to capture this very special season for you and we cant wait to meet your little baby girl!

Amy is definitely glowing. She’s so beautiful ❤️. So happy for her and her husband. Can’t wait to meet Baby girl Beimel 💓💕. So happy I got to meet and know her through her journey!