Isabella | DuBois Christian School, Class of 2024


Isabella – If I could describe her using a color, it would of course be PINK! Bubbly, fun, bold, charismatic, with a pop of sweetness. From the moment we began planning her session, I knew that it would be a blast! She had everything planned to a T… in fact, she shared with me that she has been dreaming of getting her senior photos taken since freshman year. How special I felt in that moment knowing that she chose me to help make her dream session come to life!

I loved the time I spent with Isabella laughing and chatting about life. Her goal for the future is to attend Culinary School and one day open up a bakery. I immediately envisioned walking into a cute, charming, bakery, with pink and sprinkles everywhere… A place of sweetness and happiness, just like Isabella! I’m so excited to watch this dream unfold for her!

One of the things I noticed about Isabella immediately was the Bible verse tattoo on her right arm. There’s an incredible story of strength, healing, and courage behind that tattoo… It’s not my story to share, but I will leave you with the verse because it’s one that can be so comforting to us all.

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you or forsake you.” – Deuteronomy 31:6

Isabella, thank you for including me in this milestone in your life. Enjoy my favorites!

  1. Jennifer Stover says:

    I can’t even begin to put into words how special Isabella is to us. These pictures scream Beauty, Grace, and Free Spirited which is what Isabella is ♥️. You truly captured who Isabella Grace Is. They are absolutely gorgeous 🥰🥰. I’m not just Isabella’s aunt I’m one of her biggest cheerleaders and I know she will do
    great things ♥️♥️. I love you my sweet neice ♥️♥️

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