Lexi – Upon meeting her, I was immediately captivated by her eyes and her smile. With all the beauty they hold, they also hold so much more…. a love for adventure, an excitement for change, a desire for growth, a passion for meeting new people and learning their stories, and the realization that life is so much bigger than just ourselves. This girl wants it all, and I know she already has what she needs inside of her to conquer what comes her way!
As a competitive soccer player and swimmer, Lexi is hard working and dedicated, and when she shared with me that she plans to major in Biomedical Engineering, I think my jaw dropped to the floor! It’s so amazing to hear her plans and to envision the impact she will have. What a blessing it is to cross paths with young people like Lexi.
Lexi, thank you so very much for spending your evening with me and for the opportunity to photograph your beauty and your grace! Here are just a few of my favorites captured during your session!
Locations: Meadow and Twilight Farm and Downtown DuBois, PA

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