Braylee | DuBois Central Catholic, Class of 2024


Braylee – she’s funny, she’s fierce, she’s not afraid to speak her mind, and she balances her sass with her sweetness just perfectly. I met Braylee a little over a year ago when I became a youth leader at my church. Since then, she has been filling my cup with her big hugs, her enthusiasm, and her contagious laughter.

This girl has a bright future ahead of her. With her desire to travel, explore, and try something new, Braylee is considering a career in the US Air Force. I am so excited to see where this leads her and all of the possibilities that await!

We had a blast during our time together capturing the essence of Braylee… playful, everything sports, country vibes, and puppy love. She puts her heart into everything she does and it was a blessing for me to be able to view her through my lens. Braylee, you are a delight!

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