Jordan | Keystone High School, Class of 2024


Jordan – tender hearted, wonderfully made, and genuinely joyful. In fact, Jordan described herself by saying “I love to smile!” And although we shot her session amongst colorful, beautiful backgrounds, it’s her smile that truly lights up every single photo!

Our time together began at Meadow and Twilight Farm, which provided a vibrant and whimsical landscape, highlighting Jordan’s natural beauty. Later, we headed into downtown Clarion, with the specific intention of visiting the dance studio she has attended since she was a little girl. I just love that we were able to capture Jordan’s love and passion for dance with such a sentimental part of her journey as the backdrop. The Dancer’s Studio has been her home away from home, and it made for some pretty fun photos too!

Jordan, as you pursue your passions and your goals, I wish you success, happiness, and the genuine joy that comes from being confident in who God made you to be! Thank you for the opportunity to capture these memories for you.

  1. Bryan McElravy says:

    My beautiful daughter!

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