Lauren | DuBois Area High School, Class of 2024


Wading in the cool waters of the Walter Dick Park, dancing in the warm, golden, setting sun, and capturing a love and passion for the track, Lauren’s senior session was an absolute joy! There’s something special about this young lady, and through our conversations, I came to see that this special quality can best be described as a humble, quiet strength. Although she is quiet and reserved on the surface, Lauren possesses an incredible amount of drive, focus, and determination, and she has a competitive spirit that has propelled her to success.

I think her medals and records speak for themselves, but I must say how amazed I was hearing about her victories and experiences in track and field! Breaking records and winning races does not come easy, and I know that she has made many sacrifices to get to where she is now. That is an innate quality that cannot be taught, and I get excited thinking about how that drive will serve her in other areas of her life in the future. I can’t wait to see what she does in her senior year, and Lauren, I will be celebrating you every step of the way!

Lauren, thank you for opening up to me and allowing me to capture these moments at such an important season in your life. I hope these photos bring you as much joy as you brought to me during our time together!

  1. Florence Peoples says:

    Lauren is beautiful and the pictures are great !
    .Good luck with your choosing. So many great ones,

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