Aaron has wanted to visit Idaho for years…and I couldn’t understand why? Who goes to Idaho?!? What’s even in Idaho~other than potatoes? Well I think you can see by these photos that there is MUCH more in this gorgeous state then I could ever imagine! We were so fortunate that our entire family was able to join us for this trip.
We made it! First Stop: Shoshone Falls Sagebrush was everywhere! Shoshone Falls Perrine Bridge, Twin Falls Day 2: Kayak the Snake River Pillar Falls “Zip the Snake” at AWOL Adventures Perrine Coulee Falls Miracle Springs Glamping Dome in Hagerman Miracle Hot Springs This guy was right beside us! Day 3: Kayak to Blue Heart Springs Bruneau Dune State Park Family Photos! Our trip to Shafer Butte Campground was so beautiful! Day 4: Boise, Idaho! Freak Alley Ending the day in Riggins Day 5: Jet Boating Day 5 ended with a rock slide that shut down a major highway. Our only detour was a 10 hour trip through Washington and Oregon and then back to Idaho! After a long day 6, we made it to McCall, just in time for the sunset cruise on the lake. Day 7: Redfish Lake Pancake House Off to Stanley and the Sawtooth Mountains Kirkham Hot Springs Mountain Village Resort, Stanley Day 8: Hike to Sawtooth Lake Relaxing from a long day of hiking at Redfish Lake Hot Springs at Mountain Village Resort I have no words…. Day 9: Horseback Riding at Mystic Saddle Ranch Day 10: Relaxing on our last day in Idaho Carey, Idaho Craters of the Moon Wild Rose Hot Springs What an incredible journey! Well worth the trip to this amazing state!
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