The Bridal Bouquet


I know what you’re thinking “SARA you say EVERYTHING is important on a wedding day!” and I can see how you would think that. I’ve been blogging about so many different aspects of the wedding day, I’m sure its a lot to think about! The thing is, I know that not EVERYONE has a budget to pull everything off. When I got married I didn’t have a budget that could pull everything off either! So this post is about ONE part of the wedding day that can change the LOOK of the overall wedding day dramatically! This post is about the bridal bouquet. I’m not talking about the bridesmaid’s florals or even the centerpieces…

… JUST the bride’s bouquet. That one piece of the wedding day holds a LOT of power. When I’m shooting a wedding, what is the most CONSISTENT element that ends up being in most of the portraits? The bridal bouquet. It’s everywhere! I take details shots of it, I take bridal portraits with it and I encourage the bride to have it in most of her romantic portraits as well! I do this because when a bridal bouquet is done WELL, it can tie the WHOLE wedding theme together. I use bouquet shots to fill in album spreads, shoot the rings on, create the “blog” header for the wedding post and much more. It’s a very important piece of the wedding decor and yet some brides say “Well I’ll just skimp on the flowers because I spent a lot on photography”.  The ironic thing is that their bouquet is the MOST PHOTOGRAPHED detail of the whole wedding! So what do we do with this? You can’t approach a wedding budget and think “Well I’m investing a lot in photography so everything needs to be amazing in order to have amazing pictures.”… That’s NOT true at ALL. But when it comes to JUST the bridal bouquet, I encourage brides to invest in what they REALLY want because it will show up in their images more than anything else! I would rather the bride skimp on the boutonniere’s, the bridesmaid’s bouquet’s, their shoes and even their centerpieces before skimping on the bridal bouquet. So if you’re on a budget, here’s an example of how a bouquet a make quite an impact!
Josie’s bouquet was gorgeous and unique because I was able to witness it being made.  Josie’s sister-in-law Molly (also a SH Bride!) is a florist and she found the most beautiful flowers and created a gorgeous arrangement for Josie’s wedding day!  It was so worth it!  Check out how important the bride’s bouquet is and how it will appear in SO many photos!

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